Tuesday, May 5, 2020

multiple failures

Mostly I find that if it's a choice between conspiracy and incompetency, incompetency is usually the right answer.  But right now who knows?  If we could get good information we could make up our own minds, but our media have completely failed us in this case (and elsewhere).  Rather than give us factual data and trust us to use it wisely, our media seeks to cast every story in a good versus evil mold, and they get to tell us who's on which side.  That sort of gotcha reporting is shameful; we deserve better. 

The other horrible failure is in our regulatory state and the bureaucracy that has grown up to support it.  Both the CDC and the FDA screwed up big time and the US wasn't prepared for this, or any other, pandemic.  The entire mission of these and other agencies is to protect Americans.  Instead, they've become bloated centers of lifetime sinecure for people whose existence proves the Peter Principle while they seek only to perpetuate and grow their budgets.

We'll all, I believe, acknowledge the wisdom of regulations that protect us, like everyone agreeing to drive on the right hand side of the road.  But when regulations fail to provide any benefit, we need to ask why the hell our tax money pays these people?

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