Thursday, January 14, 2010

When I lie dying

When I lie dying don't crowd around.
Don't watch me or call in my kin
to come and stand and stare.
I'll have no words of wisdom I haven't already said,
not at the last instant.
Don't anticipate my death.
Don't watch me sigh out the last breath.
I want my death to be unlooked for,
a spear thrown by a hidden assassin,
so that you speak of my death only in the past tense.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

quote of the day

I'm copying and posting this here so I won't lose it. It's from Karen Maezen Miller's Mommazen site.

"We practice Buddhism so we will no longer be blinded by what we think, and wake up instead to how things are."

Thursday, January 7, 2010

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