Thursday, April 2, 2020

we're shut down

Yesterday Kemp declared a stay at home order taking effect from April 3 through April 9th.  Depressing and scary.

What bothers me more than the virus itself are two things:

1) Our loss of Constitutional rights and how unthinkingly most people are allowing it without even a whimper of protest.  We are becoming a true nation of sheep.

2) The economic carnage, which will linger like an oil spill over the pristine beauty that was our hard charging nation. 

Both of these together will give rise to a clamor for more government solutions, when we just need the government to get the fuck out of our way.  As the great depression gave us the beginnings of the welfare state, aided with Johnson's war on poverty in the 1960s, this mostly media whipped crisis will see the true birth of socialism as the generation of 20-somethings, scared by this experience and poorly educated, begin to vote for the nanny state to take care of them.

There's no shortage of officious asses willing to enforce the current Unconstitutional orders.  What bothers me is the clear joy these jack-booted nancy-boys take in ordering (with bullhorns!) people to "Disperse ye rebels."

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