Thursday, June 13, 2019

unbalanced people accomplish more

" balance is bullshit. People who are trying to achieve greatness in their lives do not actually have balance. Do you need to have self care? Of course. Do you need to honor your loved ones and have priorities? Yes. But we only have 24 hours in the day. Do you think BeyoncĂ© or Bill Gates have balance? No. I think we have to be very honest about this “balance” conversation. If your goal is to be home at night with your kids, that’s totally valid and you should go for it, knowing that it’s going to come at some expense. Similarly, training for a marathon is going to come with a sacrifice of time. You’re going to have to say “no” to social engagements. You’re going to have to prioritize the run."

True, so true.  Read the whole thing here:

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