Thursday, September 27, 2007

the critics agree - I suck

"While you have an active libido and know much about lust, love is of no concern."

"...usually very sexual, but not passionate. There is sex, but no love."

"You fixate on lust and sex. But what of love? Do you know anything about it? Ever really experienced it?"

"It strikes me as sad that a man would still behave like a sex starved teen."

"...a shallow, superficial man feverishly clinging onto his fading youth."

"I often think I give you more credit than anyone else."

"I don't think you can understand what it's like to fight personal demons."

"I don't think you worry about the 'sins of thought'. I'm willing to bet you indulge them without any consideration as to where those thoughts may take you."

"You could never understand this because you see virtue and morality as antiquated concepts, misplaced in our world."

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