Following up on a point in my last post, we are mostly all in the wrong arena of ideas. We should be discussing medical information on Covid-19, not policy recommendations. As I said before, there is NO political solution to this virus, only medical.
A few people are trying to work on the medical stuff and there's some very interesting information that might (not does, but MIGHT) point us in the direction we need to pursue. Here's a link to a smart article highlighting what we ought to be discussing instead of masks and lockdowns:
To summarize a bit the two points:
1)Could differences in severity be explained by genetics? Our genetics, not that of the virus. Some diseases, like Epstein-Barr, are only really bad if you have a certain genetic profile. Otherwise, they're a minor irritant. There's evidence that this may be the case with Covid-19. If true, then most of us can safely ignore the disease and get on with our lives, while those truly in danger can take precautions and get the lion's share of the attention they need. It allows a focused, nuanced approach to fighting Covid-19, rather than an endless, breathless bemoaning of the daily "cases" which don't matter.
2)There are two different strains circulating, the first is worse than the newer one. Again, there's a lack of media attention to this, but there's mounting evidence in the medical data that the older strain was worse and that the newer strain currently circulating is much milder. This scenario explains differences between some countries with low death rates and also explains east coast / west coast variations in the US.
This concentration on medical data is mostly absent from the media and definitely isn't being discussed, or probably even understood, by the frightened and ignorant politicians in Georgia who are illegally and Unconstitutionally mandating all sorts of policies that will have little to no effect because this is a medical issue, not a policy issue.
A virus doesn't vote and it won't obey your laws.
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