Thursday, July 23, 2020

Can You Become Reinfected With Covid-19? It's Very Unlikely, Experts Say

Reacting to this NYT article:

We've been thinking/wondering about this ourselves (for obvious reasons).  There's an article on the NIH site of a paper that looks into that subject.  The sample size is small because they just don't have enough data and there hasn't been enough time to really study the subject.  The study looked at whether it's possible to become reinfected.  They tried to screen out people who had relapsed as opposed to becoming infected again and found evidence that it might be possible in some cases to catch the virus more than once, mostly amongst people with comorbidities.  On the surface, that sorta makes sense: if you're basically unhealthy, you have a better chance of catching things over and over because your immune system is weak.

In fact, that gets back to our premise that if you keep your immune system tuned up, you have less to worry about, from this virus, that virus, or even some cancers.  I guess it's at heart an idiotic statement or a tautology because what it essentially says is that if you're healthy, you're more likely to be healthy (duh!).  From an evolutionary biology perspective, we carry around within us a miracle pharmacy that can manufacture on the fly an antidote to almost anything we encounter - including novel virus strains.  All we have to do is keep that machine tuned up, quit eating crap, sweat regularly and move our lazy asses every day.

Watching my wife struggle through this crap for weeks has solidified my resolve to die on the trail.  That is, I intend to keep moving, literally until I die, hopefully while doing something fun like hiking or running or jumping naked into a cold lake in the back country. Fuck Covid-19.

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