Monday, August 31, 2020

Reveiw of Steven Levy's "FaceBook: The Inside Story"

If I had not already deleted my FaceBook profile and quit using the application a year or so ago, that would be the first thing I would do upon reading Steven Levy's excellent book. He must have been inside Mark Zuckerberg's back pocket for a decade. Levy apparently knows everyone in the tech world and uses his access to them to bring us the long history of FaceBook, placing it within the context of the tech world in general. The story reads like a good detective novel with pacing like a mystery thriller. It's truly a fun and exciting, though scary, reading experience. What FaceBook knows about you and what they do with that knowledge is terrifying.

There are some bobbles and a few weak spots where Levy tries my patience, but these are minor compared to the book as a whole which is a must read for anyone who uses FaceBook or knows someone currently on the service, which is nearly every man, woman and child in the world. Highly recommended. 

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