Wednesday, June 24, 2020

There is no leadership

We lack leaders, people who will take a stand, defend it and inspire us to join them.  There are plenty of politicians, but those are people whose highest ambition is to remain where they are, to get re-elected.  Those are not leaders.

If you accept the notion that the country is polarized - and I'm not sure I do accept that - then neither side, no group, really has leaders in the sense of inspiring people.  There are people in charge, but they herd; they do not lead.

There's no shortage of people who are against something.  Protestors infest every large city and many smaller ones.  They scream that they're against racism.  That's so boring as to make me yawn.  Who, in any civilized nation, is in FAVOR of racism?  The easiest thing in the world is to find a target for ire.  Much more difficult is to clearly and calmly lay out a goal AND the steps to achieve it.  Easy to tear down a statue.  Harder to make a new one that will be respected.  Harder still to explain why it should be respected.  And probably hardest of all to engender that respect, instill it in others so that the statue rises, not because a politician ordered it built, but because the people together decided that it is natural and right that it should be erected.

Tearing things down is easy.  Any two-year-old who can throw a tantrum can do that.  Building something to last - let's try that instead.  First, we need a leader...

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