Friday, March 13, 2020

Wuhan Bat Flu

Here's an interesting thing to think about.  Would the collective freakout have occurred if the outbreak had a different name with the word "flu" in it?  We'll never know, but I believe part of the problem is that the name sounds like something out of control already, whereas if it were the "Blank Blank Flu" it wouldn't sound so bad.

Thus, for me it's now the Wuhan Bat Flu.
At this point, it appears we are in the midst of mass hysteria with everything from schools to the NBA season closed down.  We have elevated a problem into a crisis, causing damage where none should have occurred and trashing our economy in the name of stopping the spread of something we can't control but could mitigate.
The focus should be on mitigating the highest risks, not stopping the spread, which is impossible.

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