Again, this was written for a client, but I was not paid for the work. Because I was never paid, the copyright does not pass to the client but remains with me. Despite this, the article was published online without any compensation to me. To guard my copyright, I am posting it here on my own blog. I'll link to the client's site below the article.
When a man is greeted with smiles and trust from those he serves, that man stands out. That man is Asot Michael, serving the people of Saint Peter more than a decade and a half. The population of Antigua and Barbuda has watched him work on their behalf. They have seen Asot pitch in his personal resources without hesitation if necessary to get results. And while he works tirelessly on their behalf, Asot Michael does not forget to listen to his constituents. Indeed, he attempts to live his slogan – Asot Michael cares for people.
The People of Saint Peter can expect their ABLP representative to move ahead with modernizing physical infrastructure throughout the area. Investments in tourism and renewable energy will lead to economic uplift for communities and families. The economy of the region remains on an uphill path. The ABLP reduced IMF debt over the last four years by $300 million. The party also saved the ABI Bank and cut the debt to GDP ratio from 104 percent to 75 percent. Looking ahead, there are planned improvements in electrical generation, including more use of wind and solar to reduce costs.
Asot Michael remains committed to all the people of Antigua and Barbuda, but particularly those in the Saint Peter Constituency. As with economic progress, so too has he been instrumental in the party’s progress in education. A knowledge-based economy is necessary to remain competitive on the world stage. Asot Michael’s wide ranging network of world leaders in business and politics is paying dividends. His experience benefits those he cares most about, the people he represents as an elected MP from Saint Peter.